kolmapäev, 11. november 2015

IOF litsents alates 1.november 2015

Dear all,

IOF Council have decided to implement an Athletes License system starting with the Ski orienteering season 2015-2016. Please follow the link below to read about the system and implementation.

Note! Athletes and Member Federations that are active in the Ski Orienteering World Cup 2015-2016 should pay extra attention since the first Competition start in 26th  November 2015. Special arrangements have been planned to make it possible to handle application forms and payments at the World Cup Events this season.


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Ehk siis, IOF-i poolt kohustuslik 30 eur aastane litsents kõigile, kes tahavad osaleda täiskasvanute MM-l ja MK-etappidel. Nii rattas, suusas kui jooksus.

 Jooksu-orienteerujad - oodake selle kiire asjaga (litsentsi ostmisega) veidi, esimese MK-etapini on üsna mitu kuud aega. Alaliit arutab enne, kes ja kelle eest tasub.

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